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发布日期:2024-08-16 10:32    点击次数:164



League of Legends (LoL), known for its intense gameplay and exhilarating team battles, is one of the most popular esports games around the world. In order to succeed in the competitive world of LoL, knowing which champions to choose can make all the difference. This article will discuss some of the must-pick champions for players looking to climb the ladder quickly and efficiently.

The Marksmen:

As the cornerstone of every team, the marksman is the backbone of any successful composition. This champion is responsible for dealing damage from afar and taking down objectives at lightning speed. The most popular and essential marksmen in LoL are Jhin, Ashe, and Vayne. Jhin possesses an overwhelming ability to lure enemies into his deadly traps, while Ashe and Vayne can quickly dispatch targets with their superior skills and mobility.

The Tanks:

Protecting the team and absorbing damage is what tanks do best. By playing a tank, you can dictate the flow of battle and control the overall outcome of the match. The most versatile and useful tanks in LoL are Alistar, Leona, and Maokai. Alistar is a powerful initiator who can engage enemies and stun them for an extended period, while Leona can quickly lock down enemies in team fights with her powerful crowd control. Maokai is the ultimate tank, allowing him to absorb incoming damage as well as outputting damage with his twisted advance ability.

The Mages:

Mages are the cornerstone of any successful team. Their ability to deal massive amounts of damage from range is essential for taking down objectives and winning team fights. The most popular and versatile mages in LoL are Syndra, Orianna, and Lux. Syndra has the ability to stun enemies and deal massive damage with her ultimate, while Orianna can control the flow of fights with her ball movement and ultimate. Lux is a dominant laner who can quickly take down enemies with her powerful abilities and long-range damage.

The Assassins:

Assassins are deadly champions who can take down targets with a single combo. They excel at quickly eliminating priority targets such as enemy marksmen or mages. The most popular and effective assassins in LoL are Zed, Katarina, and Fizz. Zed is a master of deception and can quickly outmaneuver and take down his enemies with his deadly combos. Katarina can quickly leap in and out of fights, dealing massive amounts of AoE damage with her ultimate. Fizz has the ability to evade enemy attacks and deal massive amounts of burst damage with his playful/trickster ability.

The Supports:

Supports are the unsung heroes of any successful team. They are responsible for controlling the overall flow of battle, healing and protecting their teammates, and absorbing incoming damage. The most versatile and useful support champions in LoL are Thresh, Soraka, and Janna. Thresh is a powerful initiator with excellent crowd control abilities, while Soraka is a dominant healer who can keep her teammates alive during fights. Janna is an excellent protector who can absorb incoming damage and support her team with her ultimate ability.


Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the world of League of Legends, knowing which champions to choose can mean the difference between victory and defeat. The must-pick champions discussed in this article should provide a solid foundation for any player looking to climb the ranks quickly and efficiently. Remember, mastering these champions takes time and practice, so don't be afraid to experiment and find the perfect fit for your playstyle.